yoz .. hahas ..
yo hiie guys . im here to update again . hmm anyway derrick's revival round is next week . so derrick's fans please vote for him either by sms or call okay . thanks loads . as a fan of him . of coz i will call yah . haha . yesterday voted for sebastian once . well im also a small fan of seb haha yah . of coz i will vote more for derrick . he will get in if we support him ! he will !
hmm didnt went to school today as i had stomach cramps . its painful de . haiz . never mind lah . will go back to school tomorrow and ask wenhui they all how many votes will they vote during revival rounds .
well yesterday went to computer lab to do NE quiz . hmm i get the rank captian lah . the marks i forget le at least i got pass . kekex . heng arhx got time to finish it . if i die le . haha .
just watched jue dui results . haiishh sebastian out even thou i voted for him . well never mind lah still got revival rounds . well i saw derrick ! he's so cute can ! hahaha ..
erhhx . my tagboard is full of spamming again ! what do they want ? this is my blog . i put what i want . picx of derrick . i like . cannot ? haiishh dont really know what they want . dont care lahx . i will be closing my tagboard down first . hmmx . yah . sianx of this . haiz .
well found more picx of derrick just now . maybe i will be updating tomorrow if not latest saturday . okay . posting picx now .

so cute ! LOL !

aiyohx so shuai qi nehhx !

erhhx . jason junyang derrick and leon ..
hmm didnt went to school today as i had stomach cramps . its painful de . haiz . never mind lah . will go back to school tomorrow and ask wenhui they all how many votes will they vote during revival rounds .
well yesterday went to computer lab to do NE quiz . hmm i get the rank captian lah . the marks i forget le at least i got pass . kekex . heng arhx got time to finish it . if i die le . haha .
just watched jue dui results . haiishh sebastian out even thou i voted for him . well never mind lah still got revival rounds . well i saw derrick ! he's so cute can ! hahaha ..
erhhx . my tagboard is full of spamming again ! what do they want ? this is my blog . i put what i want . picx of derrick . i like . cannot ? haiishh dont really know what they want . dont care lahx . i will be closing my tagboard down first . hmmx . yah . sianx of this . haiz .
well found more picx of derrick just now . maybe i will be updating tomorrow if not latest saturday . okay . posting picx now .

so cute ! LOL !

aiyohx so shuai qi nehhx !

erhhx . jason junyang derrick and leon ..
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